

Acupuncture is an ancient therapy that originates in China. It predates western medicine and has been around for 5000 years. The body is covered in Meridians that are pathways of energy or "chi". The chi flows to each cell, organ and extremity in and around our bodies. With perfect chi flow we have health or homeostasis. With impaired chi flow we have symptoms and feeling unwell. The well trained acupuncturist treats by looking, touching, listening etc. to the body, the pulse, tongue or pallor of the client. The problems are assessed and a treatment protocol is designed based on Chinese Medicine Theory. 

Sterile single use needles are inserted at various depths into acupuncture points which are along the meridians or pathways. This encourages chi to flow more smoothly thus reducing or eliminating symptoms. Sometimes Chinese herbs are suggested to support the physiological or internal mechanisms. Usually Chinese herbs are used for a short duration as the body heals and symptoms recede. Our bodies come back into balance.

The number of treatments to have is always determined by each individual's progress. No two clients are alike and their recovery will be different also. Some people need only a few treatments while others may require more.

Many problems can be effectively treated with acupuncture.